Personal Needs Assessment
This is a great test for everyone to know more themselves. Enjoy the game and I will post the solution and answer as soon as possible.
Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement by entering one of these values.
5 = Completely Agree
4 = Trend to Agree
3 = Uncertain
2 = Tend to Disagree
1 = Completely Disagree
Are you ready? Let start the funny game.
1. I could not work in a job that required me to work alone most, or all, of the time.
2. What others think of me is extremely important to me.
3. I worry about mistakes I've made in my work.
4. I would terribly embarrassed if someone found an error in my work.
5. I prefer to be a member of a team rather than work alone.
6. I am pleased to be a member of a team rather than wokr alone.
7. I am not satisfied until I have done my very best on any given task or assignment.
8. I frequently spend a lot of time studying or analyzing possibilities before taking action.
9. A friendly spend a lot of time studying or analyzing possibilities before taking action.
10. I frequently subordinate my views and desires to those expressed by others.
11. The only way to be sure something is done correctly is to do it yourself.
12. Rules and regulations are to be understood and strictly followed.
13. It is necessary, and appropriate, to take a portion of a workday for friendly conversation.
14. I find it difficult to end converstaions even when they interfere with my work.
15. I often spend a lot of time correcting or redoing work done my others.
16. I prefer a lot of organization and structure in my job.
17. I take a great deal of pride in the number of friends I have.
18. I often guess at what someone wants rather than be embarrassed by asking for more information.
19. People who turn out less-than-perfect quality of work are either careless or lazy.
20. I have a need to include the thoughts and wishes of others in decisions I make that might affect them.
Did you finish and write down what you chose for the whole question? Now, classify your answer in this grouping. After, add the values of your responses and record the total. The analysis will be showed / posted on next time.
Soial Interaction : 1, 5, 9, 13, 17
Acceptance: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18
Perfection: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19
Risk Avoidance: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20