
Personal Needs Assessment

This is a great test for everyone to know more themselves. Enjoy the game and I will post the solution and answer as soon as possible.

Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement by entering one of these values.
5 = Completely Agree
4 = Trend to Agree
3 = Uncertain
2 = Tend to Disagree
1 = Completely Disagree

Are you ready? Let start the funny game.
1. I could not work in a job that required me to work alone most, or all, of the time.

2. What others think of me is extremely important to me.

3. I worry about mistakes I've made in my work.

4. I would terribly embarrassed if someone found an error in my work.

5. I prefer to be a member of a team rather than work alone.

6. I am pleased to be a member of a team rather than wokr alone.

7. I am not satisfied until I have done my very best on any given task or assignment.

8. I frequently spend a lot of time studying or analyzing possibilities before taking action.

9. A friendly spend a lot of time studying or analyzing possibilities before taking action.

10. I frequently subordinate my views and desires to those expressed by others.

11. The only way to be sure something is done correctly is to do it yourself.

12. Rules and regulations are to be understood and strictly followed.

13. It is necessary, and appropriate, to take a portion of a workday for friendly conversation.

14. I find it difficult to end converstaions even when they interfere with my work.

15. I often spend a lot of time correcting or redoing work done my others.

16. I prefer a lot of organization and structure in my job.

17. I take a great deal of pride in the number of friends I have.

18. I often guess at what someone wants rather than be embarrassed by asking for more information.

19. People who turn out less-than-perfect quality of work are either careless or lazy.

20. I have a need to include the thoughts and wishes of others in decisions I make that might affect them.

Did you finish and write down what you chose for the whole question? Now, classify your answer in this grouping. After, add the values of your responses and record the total. The analysis will be showed / posted on next time.

Soial Interaction : 1, 5, 9, 13, 17
Acceptance: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18
Perfection: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19
Risk Avoidance: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20


回家 Home Coming


雖說香港是一個城市,但這個小小的地方卻有好多不同的物價。不論是超級市場、名牌服裝或用品商店都會比起九龍半島和新界區所開的分店要貴 n %。更甚的是,連鎖式經型的快餐店如麥當當、家香雞及大 XX 等,他們的食物價格都比其他地方為高。


自己做夢也想不到,闊別三年多的會計金融從業員工作,正是我現在的工作。原本老闆是請 web designer ,結果係……我上司看到我的 cv 後就說了一句「既然你有 account & business 的底子,不如你做埋這方面既工作啦!但不是叫你不用做 web designer 喎!」原本公司請兩個人,結果係請左我一個頂兩個位置,老細們真係 r 得就 r 。唉!

想不到的,是這個亂來的請人讓我從新接觸回會計及金融工作,我最憎的工種之一。公司坐在我隔離座位的經理問道「Mr. S 你其實鍾唔鍾意做這些工作呢?」我既回答都好坦白,因為我著實唔係一個鍾意「悶」既人,但又怕「好熱鬧」的矛盾性格。就連我上司都問過我是否習慣現時的工作,這個不會說習慣與否,反正也只是工作,「敬業與樂業」樂乎也!

用「賤」這個字是來形容我自己的,對於會計金融的計算和內部核對工作,我自覺得是一件不用腦子工作的工作。我負責要計算的東西,全部都有固定的算式,只要不入錯數就可以咧!唔……著實這些工作無乜難度,但近來我都計錯幾次衍生工具的某些數字。當然,這些錯誤的數字是不會出街,一但出了街公司注定要倒閉咧。以前做 designer 經常想到頭痛和哭起來,因為太多野要想和太多東西要顧慮;會計既工作則是不用腦,只是 contribute 就可以,十分低能。

雖然是不用腦子的工作,但卻要高度集中精神,腦子放鬆但精神要集中。另一方面,就是工作的地方實在太近 Ms. C 。朋友 C 同我說,Mr. S 你可以在這個細小的中環避得她多久呢?這個真的不好說。


Pride & Prejudice

Pride & Prejudice (中譯︰傲慢與偏見)不論是原作品還是電影作品,都給我一種好濃烈的味道,而這味道就是「傲慢」同「偏見」其實都是一樣。作者 Jane Austen 寫出一據觸動人心和那種看透世界一切謊話的小說作品。以筆者現時的功能,我可以說我還沒有這份的能耐。

與其說 Pride & Prejudice 係同一樣,倒不如說是一個 cycle (循環)。以香港人為例,不說「硬膠」文化,香港人大多是那種自視過高的生物。因讀書的關係, Mr. S 認識了好幾位內地同學,也許他們對香港的文化並不多大了解,但在處事和工作效率和效益方面則遠勝香港人 n 倍。他們做事的認真拼搏精神,是現世代香港人沒有的;更重要一點是,他們不會像香港人一樣事事以錢為頭。


Rachel & Stanley wedding 後,有一位弟兄同我說,你同 Ms. C 在大家所認識中,你們根本是同樣的人,做著同樣的東西……包括互相傷害。

Pride & Prejudice 其中一個訊息就是告訴我們何時能放下自己的成見呢?也許,這是一輩子都需要學習的東西呢!



January... exam period for myself.
When will the end of the examination life?

2008 Planning
Master Degree ... Okay is perfect
Insurance & Financial papers examination ... One take pass
CFA ... Finish Level One In the end of 2008
SIGGRAPH ... Application Successful
Serve GOD ... In Band Team either guitar, electric guitar, or bass

Dream VS Reality

Either work or love, I couldn't control them. I don't understand why GOD lead me back to the account position, however, I adopt my LORD's guide absolutely. 2007 wasn't a good time with me. I experienced most of lost and defeat in my work, life, and love. Even though all were painful, it made me growth. I really happy I should open my eyes and hear my GOD sound intently.

A good decision can make people walked into success. By the way, if we made the wrong decision, most of troubles and hazards would become. I was thinking it at the end of 2007. GOD gives me a freewill to make a good decision. I was very foolish. Why? Because ...

After Stanley and Rachel wedding, I have an new experience. I and Ms. C are similar. It wasn't my comment. Most of brothers and sisters they felt we are similar. Is it Amazing? Miracle isn't a nature but we should catch it.

Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. (Joshua 1 : 6-8)

What's a beautiful words! For my dream, I wanna too much. To the real, I'm small. When I felt I catch the whole, GOD told me "you can't". When I felt I am meaningless, GOD told me "you are full". Why GOD you chose me for you son? Amazing Grace!

With this Hand, GOD leave me in a sorrow.
My Cup will never be empty, because GOD is my wine.
With this gleam, GOD will light my life in darkness.
With the LOVE of CROSS, GOD asked me to free.